sElf on a Shelf-- A holiday fitness challenge

Happy December, friends!

It’s a busy time of year, and often self-care falls low on the list of priorities. With this in mind, I thought I’d introduce a fitness challenge that is both fun and challenging.

sElf on the Shelf -- a wall sitting challenge!

Start at 10 seconds on December 1st and work up to 3:40 by December 22. 

Grab your friends and family and let's work those legs for the holidays!

sElf on a Shelf snip.PNG
sElf on a Shelf snip 2.PNG

I’d LOVE to hear how your challenge is going! Take a picture of yourself doing your wall sit and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #fittbodiesselfonashelf and I’ll personally cheer you on your way to victory!

You’ve got this!

Always yours in Health,

Stephenie Signature 2.PNG

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