Stephenie Fitt

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What's the Deal About Oil Pulling?

Hi there friends!

Ever hear of this health practice called “oil pulling?”

I first heard about oil pulling from an old high school friend when he found out about my breast cancer diagnosis. I had never heard of it before, so promptly searched the internet for information. Why would anyone swish oil around in their mouth for any length of time? Gag!

Come to find out, oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that touts such results as healed gums, whiter teeth, fresher breath. And I couldn't find any negative side effects.

That's all the info I needed to know. Anything I can do to safely protect my gums and pearly whites is worth trying, even swishing oil around and around. (And, it turns out that it isn't that gross!)

Fast forward 3 years.

I’ve been oil pulling almost daily, and must admit, my teeth are whiter, my gums are healthier (according to my dental hygienist), and it turned out to be not as gross as I’d imagined.

Check out my latest YouTube video below to see how I’ve incorporated this into my daily health practice.


Yours in big, bright smiles and optimal health,